جديدترين مقالات وپايان نامه هاي2019

Abstract: A model was developed to evaluate the issue of water supply sustainability. The model considers multiple project objectives using a genetic algorithm (GA) procedure. It is written in the code language Visual Basic for Applications (VBA 6.3) and operates in the environment of a Microsoft Excel® workbook. The multiple project objectives incorporated in the program are: minimize water supply cost, minimize net groundwater withdrawal, and maximize water supply for growth. The decision variables, each expressed in terms of model zone (up to 10) and/or time (years), include population growth rate, reduction in residential water use rate, and water import volume. The GA employed in the code uses a strategy whereby evolutionary pressure is exerted not during parent selection, but rather by competition between offspring and their parents using the criteria of domination and possession of current global optima in one or more objective functions. The program uses single-objective GA subroutines, optimizing each objective separately, to develop a very good first trial population. The program also incorporates a cost function for the non-use value of groundwater, which was derived during this research using Hotelling\"s exhaustible resource theory. The model was applied to the Prescott (Arizona) Active Management Area (AMA), where groundwater supplies are limited and currently being heavily over-utilized, and rapid population growth is projected to greatly increase water demand in the near future. Model results indicate that the factor values used in the groundwater cost function have a pronounced effect upon future decisions regarding water supply. Implicitly assuming zero as the non-use value for groundwater results in large aquifer depletion over time, while moderate to high values produce a much smaller withdrawal or even a net replenishment, with correspondingly higher reliance on imported water. The model results also indicate this in terms of higher unit growth costs ($/AF) in situations where a positive value is assigned to the cost of groundwater depletion.

Keywords: Applied sciences, Water resources, Genetic algorithm, Resource sustainability

Subjects: Civil engineering, Environmental engineering,

ترجمه چکيده :مدل براي ارزيابي مسئله آب پايداري توسعه داده شد. مدل اهداف پروژه هاي متعدد با استفاده از الگوريتم ژنتيک (GA) روش مي داند. اين است که در کد زبان ويژوال بيسيک براي برنامه هاي کاربردي (VBA 6.3) نوشته شده و در محيط از يک کارنامه مايکروسافت اکسل ®. اهداف پروژه هاي متعدد ثبت شده در برنامه عبارتند از: به حداقل رساندن هزينه هاي تامين آب، به حداقل رساندن خروج خالص آب هاي زيرزميني، و به حداکثر رساندن منظور ذخيره آب براي رشد است. متغيرهاي تصميم، هر يک بيان در شرايط منطقه مدل (تا 10) و / يا زمان (سال)، شامل ميزان رشد جمعيت، کاهش نرخ استفاده از آب هاي مسي، و حجم واردات آب. مادربرد GA شاغل در کد استفاده از يک استراتژي به موجب آن فشار تکاملي است در انتخاب پدر و مادر اعمال، بلکه رقابت بين فرزندان و پدر و مادر خود را با استفاده از معيارهاي سلطه و در اختيار داشتن OPTIMA کنوني جهاني در يک يا چند تابع هدف. اين برنامه با استفاده زيرروالهاي GA تک هدف، بهينه سازي هر هدف به طور جداگانه، به منظور توسعه يک جمعيت بسيار خوبي دادگاه اول. اين برنامه همچنين شامل يک تابع هزينه براي ارزش عدم استفاده از آب هاي زيرزميني، که در طول اين تحقيق با استفاده از تئوري شدني منابع هتلينگ \ ها مشتق شده بود. مدل به پرسکات (آريزونا) فعال منطقه مديريت (AMA)، که در آن لوازم آبهاي زيرزميني محدود هستند و در حال حاضر به سختي بيش از حد مورد استفاده، و رشد سريع جمعيت پيش بيني شده است تقاضاي آب در آينده نزديک به ميزان زيادي افزايش استفاده شد. نتايج نشان مي دهد که مدل مقادير ضرايب مورد استفاده در تابع هزينه هاي زيرزميني داراي تأثير بر تصميم گيري هاي آينده در مورد تامين آب است. به طور ضمني فرض صفر را به عنوان ارزش عدم استفاده براي نتايج آبهاي زيرزميني در کاهش آبخوان بزرگ در طول زمان، در حالي که متوسط ??تا ارزش بالا توليد يک عقب نشيني بسيار کوچکتر و يا حتي يک دوباره پر کردن شبکه، با تکيه نسبت بالاتر در آب وارد شده است. نتايج مدل همچنين اين نشان مي دهد از نظر هزينه هاي بالاتر رشد واحد ($ / AF) در شرايطي که يک ارزش مثبت است به هزينه تخليه آبهاي زيرزميني اختصاص داده است. (اين متن توسط ماشين ترجمه شده است لذا ممکن است نياز به ويرايش داشته باشد)

خريد ترجمه واصل پايان نامه

زهره شاه حيدري09139826993


عمليات سلول هاي سوختي اکسيد جامد در anaerobically مشتق شده بيوگاز تصفيه خانه فاضلاب

Abstract: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) have been researched for operation on anaerobic digester (AD)-derived biogas at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). SOFCs can perform well on light hydrocarbon fuels and the use of AD-derived biogas provides an opportunity for biogas to be used as a renewable fuel. Tests were conducted at three levels of H2 dilution (using N2 , Ar and CO2 as diluent gases, plus H2 O) to examine the performance of tubular SOFCs. When gases that are inert in SOFC reactions are used there is a decrease in cell performance. When CO 2 was used the decrease in cell performance was higher due to the reverse water-gas shift (WGS) reaction reducing the partial pressure of H2 . A computer simulation was developed to predict SOFC system efficiency and GHG emissions. The simulation indicated that the system electrical efficiency is higher for a S/C ratio of 2 then a S/C ratio of 1 due to the increased partial pressure of H2 in the reformate. The reduction in GHG emissions is estimated to be approximately 2,400 tonnes CO2 , 60 kg CH4 and 18 kg N2 O, annually. Testing was conducted using a simulated biogas reformate mixture that was developed through a research initiative in which urban areas with populations over 150,000 in the United States and 50,000 in Canada were solicited to participate in a survey of biogas composition. The biogas reformate composition was determined to be 66.7% H2 , 16.1% CO, 16.5% CO2 and 0.7% N 2 , which was then humidified to 2.3 and 20 mol% H2 O. The reformate tests conducted at the higher humidification level yielded a better performance than those at the lower humidification because the WGS reaction produced more H2 when additional H2 O was provided. It was concluded that WWTP AD-derived biogas, when cleaned effectively to remove H2 S, Si compounds, halides and other contaminants, could be reformed to provide a clean, renewable fuel for SOFCs. Biogas/SOFC systems could provide electricity and heat to WWTPs, as well as reduce GHG emissions, thus reducing their energy costs and environmental impact.

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09139826993   شاه حيدري


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